Having the death penalty is generally a bad idea. It's unnecessary, it doesn't undo the crime, it doesn't prevent violent crime, and most importantly when you have the death in place, you will eventually execute a falsely convicted person.
I have no sympathy for this person, they can sit in a cell for the rest of their life for all I care. But please, inform me, what does killing this teenager accomplish?
3.) No wasted man hrs guarding, monitoring or counseling
4.) Although you can't dissuade psychotic monsters from committing psychotic acts unless you remove them completely from this world it could make others with a conscious think before acting.
Now you tell me the positives to keeping him alive
2.) No tax dollars wasted on housing, feeding, or giving the monster medical care over X amount of years...
4.) Although you can't dissuade psychotic monsters from committing psychotic acts unless you remove them completely from this world it could make others with a conscious think before acting.
Now you tell me the positives to keeping him alive
how is it a slap in the face?
How about, you know, a permanent solution? To quote the great Max Cavalera, "Eye for an eye, for an eye, for an eye!"