They are looking for “illegal moochers” who are working at a slaughterhouse? They are working long, hard, underpaid hours providing food from an American business to sell to the American public. ICE raids on workplaces undermine all the pretenses they are arresting migrants living off of our tax $$.
That’s right CNN, make it impossible to keep up with the latest by forcing us to pay up. Well, you’re not the only fish in the sea. And others are more trusted at this point anyway.
Illegal's......stop making them out to be anything but what they are.......these people aren't immigrants from yesteryear, these are moochers who were invited to come here on promises to be taken care of.
This is concerning. To see a civil rights group that has fought so hard for migrant workers take such a hit is disheartening. Advocacy needs all hands on deck now more than ever. Who will step up to fill this void?
Trump isn't doing this alone, he has others bending to his will. We've seen it at the very top as he formed a kleptocracy of willing billionaires to root out their prior social policies. In this civil rights group, a few attorneys are expendable to survive these times. Trump's power is the new GOP.
Immigration advocacy isn't needed if there only legally immigrating people here following the law.
Simple easy cuts