So how many Democrats and Republicans who voted against any of Chumps orders are next?
Those January 6ers who killed those Capital police officers got pardoned are walking around free.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
Please help make this go viral! We have to step up our game because our representatives are clearly not going to save us from this fast moving coup! The only thing we really can do that's nonviolent is slow production. Cost them money. Don't get fired. Don't hurt anyone. But do more where youcan
I find such kinds of executions inhuman and monstrous and I'm against executions in 21st century in a democratic and liberal country mainly relying on laicism as executions are related with countries ruled by religion and sometimes innocents might be killed with organized set up blames.
I don't believe in state sanctioned murder. However, that said, if I was on death row and had a choice, I would go with this. It's quick and (I assume) painless if done right. The chemical cocktail they give others is much scarier to me - what if I'm simply paralyzed but aware of excruciating pain?
How hard could it be to do this with compassion and without pain? One of the most humane methods of euthanasia is the administration of a barbiturate overdose either by the intravenous, intraperitoneal or intracardiac routes. OR, PUT FENTANYL TO GOOD USE!
You wouldn't have to worry about this if you simply didn't execute people:
- it's not a deterrent
- inevitably you kill innocent people
- you're allowing the State to kill its own citizens. Do you think that's wise?
I am not for the death penalty, mostly because I think it's the easy way out, if you deserve it than I would rather you sit in prison for as long as possible and think about that one stupid thing you did to get there. That being said, is there really a humane way for the state to end you?
The return of firing squads certainly sparks a debate on the methods of execution. It’s a stark reminder of the complexities of justice and ethics in capital punishment. What does this mean for the future of executions in the U.S.? The conversation is far from over.
If a choice, I'd choose nitrogen hypoxia, we all breathe 80% nitrogen in the air all the time since birth -- just fall asleep and never wake up. Not all that different from carbon monoxide in a closed garage.
Humane choices.
I like that choice.
In future (& this may sound alarmist bc that's where I'm at), if given a choice of nuclear holocaust or hypoxia, I'd take the latter. 👍
I kid with my friends and say, preferably, I'd sit in a small room, with nice surrounding, on a comfortable couch, and play one of my favorite movies, and enjoy some fresh popcorn, before I drift off to sleep for eternity, go with pleasant thoughts, and little to no pain...
The Bible is an unreliable foundation for the death penalty, as its passages can be interpreted to both support and oppose it, depending on context and perspective
when the girls got their dad drunk and fucked him had his kids is a favorite of mine, shortage of men around in the dessert was the excuse to justify it in the passage
Barbaric, disgusting, and ineffective as a deterrent.
See this really is about what kind of world we wanna live in. Republicans. will cut off Medicaid for sick children-Deny elderly the support and services they need-and celebrate killing people Sadistic cruelty is their specialty.
Those January 6ers who killed those Capital police officers got pardoned are walking around free.
- it's not a deterrent
- inevitably you kill innocent people
- you're allowing the State to kill its own citizens. Do you think that's wise?
Also, I'm not very keen on letting the Govt kill its own citizens. Seems like the worst type of Big Govt to me...
He chose firing squad.
Gasp 😳
I like that choice.
In future (& this may sound alarmist bc that's where I'm at), if given a choice of nuclear holocaust or hypoxia, I'd take the latter. 👍
is what he chose
Murderers do not inherit the kingdom of heaven.
The prisoner repented - he will be back for the kingdom of heaven.
The firing squad committed murder and hasn't repented - they will die soon if they don't repent in time - their choice.
See this really is about what kind of world we wanna live in. Republicans. will cut off Medicaid for sick children-Deny elderly the support and services they need-and celebrate killing people Sadistic cruelty is their specialty.