I don't think it matters anymore. The answers will comprise mental gymnastics that might break your brain.
How is it possible that people who claim to want to be closer to God have been convinced to vote for policies that contradict their most closely held beliefs?
I grew up fundamentalist, so I’ve got decades of experience lol. I think one of the quieter/less discussed reasons is the belief that nothing good can come from anyone but Christ, so even good things done by other groups are “like filthy rags.” It all has to be on their terms under their banner.
Interesting. You'd think that would be some kind of incentive to become closer to Christ.
I guess it's more important to believe in his existence than it is to actually live by his example. It's tragic. Such a large group of people that could do so much good.
Hm yeah exactly. Let me condense that though…for clarity. Essentially—there is fleeting value in helping people with earthy struggles if you aren’t also helping them with their eternal struggle.
I would really like to hear an update on these answers now that we’ve got some cabinet picks in.
How is it possible that people who claim to want to be closer to God have been convinced to vote for policies that contradict their most closely held beliefs?
I guess it's more important to believe in his existence than it is to actually live by his example. It's tragic. Such a large group of people that could do so much good.