this is both fake and uses relationship abuse as a punchline? the dude is a retired Turkish military NCO who has been shooting for years and loves his cats??
okay maybe this is just poor phrasing on the part of the writer but i am a bit concerned about the part where "he first picked up a gun during a particularly heated divorce mediation"
I don’t have the satire link but here is the actual npr story that talks about him and his history. He’s an ex-cop/turkish military. He has a Wikipedia page it’s not hard to find.
Oh so you're saying the other thing that's going around with the divorce is satire? Because information in this article directly contradicts stuff in the one I had reskeeted
Because Bsky shows things in latest-post-first order,
I misread this as "sometimes part of the internet is down",
rather than as "sometimes it contains incorrect information"
and was going to suggest
I hope he’s at least got foam plugs in even if he’s not wearing the big ear defender cans. My dad has cumulative damage from years of server rooms before he started wearing ear defenders in them.
It's satire. Not a word of it is true, apart from his name.
The best satire should include something so barmy you realise you're being had. This doesn't.
How easily people are duped by stuff they read online.
(but seriously, good for him)
He's an officer in the Turkish Gendarmerie and has competed since 2001
but not the smoking area part. that's 100% real.
This seems to be a "The Onion" style story with some low key sexist undertones.
I was buying it lock, stock and barrel!
I misread this as "sometimes part of the internet is down",
rather than as "sometimes it contains incorrect information"
and was going to suggest
Also, I'm told Defcon is cancelled this year.
The best satire should include something so barmy you realise you're being had. This doesn't.