Been for years, grew up in Germany
-drivers used to turn off cars in the 90s standing in front of railway Xings.
-all windows are double glazed
-they designed small cars due to the petrol crisises in 70s/80s/90s.
-while they stuffed up a few things going green at least they are MOVING.
Feel the same Jane. If someone threatened to hurt my children I would fight to protect them. This is how I feel about #fossilfuel cartels - and the politicians who enable them.
Fking furious.
And vote accordingly.
Yes. We’re luckier here, its rained a lot, but when it gets dry, fire is an ever present dread. I write about it in my next novel, Lyrebird, which is out in April.
Are you taking the piss? That is a defining characteristic of climate change. The weather oscillates wildly. If you are a climate change denier, understand this, your denial of science directly affects the life chances of my grandchildren. I will not be polite.
We aren't deniers Jane....
We're just supporting
You are saying....
Very cool in Brisbane
A time
It should be hot
The weather
A climate change issue
The weather is the top story
The News
Have to know things aren't right
There is plenty of long term data that supports climate change. A few days 10 degrees above average is not abnormal and not a recent thing. Hottest October day in Perth was recorded in 1961 and 15 degrees above long term average.
Young friend in Melbourne has returned home to find her husband is clearly suffering heat stroke. He works as a bricklayer. Aged 33 he has been doing this for years. There are outdoor jobs that will need to be rethought in the future.
Melbourne had an average daily max of 18 in August (usual 15) and today it was 37, same tomorrow. I’ve been back from Greece for nearly 6 weeks, it’s rained once. Dreading summer
There was sudden climate change worry when water restrictions came in and people watched their back lawns die. It was visually compelling and undeniable. The self interested have muddied the picture. It is faraway, woke, expensive, pointless (china pollutes more!), the weather has always changed.
Are you a climate change denier or minimaliser? If you are, I give you fair warning. Your denial of physics directly affects the life chances of my grandchildren. I will not be polite.
Thank you for not being polite. There was a period of drought before this long La Niña, when our lawns were dying, when climate change became real for many Australians. It was a stark visual. I hope we don’t wait ‘til we are burned, flooded, blown away and famished to get it fully, that it is real.
I'm in Melbourne, lived here 20 yrs and can't remember this kind of heat in November!! It definitely doesn't feel normal. And as a grandmother I too worry about what kind of world we will be leaving them 😢
I remember this sort of heat in November a couple of times over the past 40 years. Ballarat Cup Day was always in mid November and a few years it was super hot during it. And then some years it snowed.
Don’t think we are doing enough.. time is running out….. the signs are all there with us ….experiencing extremes in weather that are becoming more frequent
I lived in Western Australia in past life, not uncommon for 40 degree days for a week or so at a time. Agree it's only November and the heat usually kicks in in Jan/Feb
Passed worried Jane, I fear way too little was done way too late. Humanity will have to learn to live alone on a planet offering the harshest times for everyone.
I was working in insurance risk management in the 90s. The big reinsurers had been researching & reporting on climate risk for some time.
It was a major issue to be dealt with based on scientific facts & financial risk, before it became a useful political wedge.
-drivers used to turn off cars in the 90s standing in front of railway Xings.
-all windows are double glazed
-they designed small cars due to the petrol crisises in 70s/80s/90s.
-while they stuffed up a few things going green at least they are MOVING.
Fking furious.
And vote accordingly.
Worried about warm weather a week out from Summer - no
I'm in Brissie
My winter pjs....
We're just supporting
You are saying....
Very cool in Brisbane
A time
It should be hot
The weather
A climate change issue
The weather is the top story
The News
Have to know things aren't right
Have also escaped
The Dark Side....😊
I knew you were agreeing
Antarctic researchers warn of possible 'catastrophic' sea level rise within our lifetime
But not our politicians
I really hate being right sometimes.
This on the other hand (also from The Guardian) is appalling.
When will we stop illustrating these reports with fun at the beach pics?
Humanity never really woke up.
It was a major issue to be dealt with based on scientific facts & financial risk, before it became a useful political wedge.