Don't worry Jane, the Murdoch media won't bother reporting it. Most of the declining readership of newspapers won't see it because of the Murdoch media dominance. So it can be ignored by the government.
Places like Gimuy (Cairns) rely on tourist 💵 When destructive events occur it takes time to recover When destructive weather events become regular with other down turns economic pandemic etc there is no opportunity to recover! What is your plan for these type of regions?
Cutting emissions to zero only one avenue. Approving new coal gas mines does not help total global emissions. It also sends a signal that Australia does not
care about the impacts. Fossil fuel industries are good capital.
Congrats to Graeme and The Guardian for getting a reference to “fossil fuels” in at the very end of the article (or perhaps the editing process just missed it 🤷). Bit problematic that the relevant quote implied only projects local to the reefs cause damage. Still, mustn’t offend Gina et al eh.
The reef experts and scientists know that warming oceans due to climate change will bleach ALL our coral as well as other corals around the world.
Warming oceans will also kill fish and other marine life. If I were a whale or dolphin (among others) I'd be really annoyed at the primates on land.
care about the impacts. Fossil fuel industries are good capital.
Warming oceans will also kill fish and other marine life. If I were a whale or dolphin (among others) I'd be really annoyed at the primates on land.