I never said both sides are equally bad. I said Hillary Clinton is a warmonger and an advocate for imperialism and mass murder. Still voted for her over Trump because that is the kind of insane choice Americans have to make every 4 years.
It's just not comparable. Clinton was secretary of state for 4 years. Trusk has only been president for 1 month. The damage Clinton did (and yes, there were questionable decisions), will be a fraction of a minute drop in a massive bucket compared to the damage Trusk will leave behind.
She was also a senator during the "war on terror" and an extremely vocal advocate for the invasion of Iraq. Trump will do more damage, but normalizing the behavior of lesser monsters is how we end up with a greater monster like Trump.
Not all democrats are the same and it’s good to acknowledge that the right wing corporate ones are basically republicans. Not a good thing.
Neoliberal corporate warmongers have no place leading the Democratic Party.
Refusing to learn that Americans want an actual prog/left dem party is what’s costing us.