It’s been a season. The landscape is drastically changing, but thank you for this and every season sharing your passion for collegiate football. It will be a long offseason
In the pre-AirPods era I was on a crowded subway car to a job I hated and accidentally ripped my corded headphones out while listening to Can You Stand The Rain and was momentarily embarrassed but looked around and was met with only understanding looks and smiles. Bulletproof song.
It wasn't just the song, it's this particular video of it, where the dancer is looking straight ahead the whole time while the band rips through their version of the song
it's the tension between the two that always made it so moving to me
For a second I thought it was lost because the guy deleted his whole account on Youtube. Legit panicked for a little bit, until I realized that someone else thought it was worth keeping and reposted the whole thing.
which is kind of how this goes: I'm convinced I've lost something, only to find someone else carried it forwards for me and handed it back to me for the low price of nothing
It's a little grace, like getting to do this for a living
a.) it's Southern's Human Jukebox, the greatest marching band in the world, and
b.) because the song makes me cry every time
it's the tension between the two that always made it so moving to me
It's a little grace, like getting to do this for a living