Glad it helped, This needs to be spread to as many people as possible, keep up the fight. Its nice to be able to help from far afield in some way. Nothing non residents of america can physically do, but we can be of support and help by giving you all an outside prespective.
Hey, on the bright side here in the UK we have been dealing with this since 2016, it seems very few of them have had their opinions changed. Just have to live knowing that we did the right thing, even if we didnt get what we wanted. Being able to sleep peacefully at night knowing you chose the truth
Hey, your not alone, I have been mortified to be british since half of the voters decided to turn its back on Europe. They were also stupid enough to fall for the lies they were told by mass & social media. They unfortunatly are still among us, thats hard to stomach, friends, family among them.
Why TAF are these fascist pigs still above ground, upright with a pulse? C'mon, Luigi!!
“Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice. Moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
"By whatever means are necessary."
"Terminate their mission - with extreme prejudice."