Social Security was already dealing with backlogs. Employees warn job cuts could worsen services.
Social security checks will be delayed until seniors start defaulting on mortgages, and lose their homes, so the billionaire class can swoop in and grab everything that's left of America.
This doggy isn't
-a seniors companion
-of service for the disabled
United WE stand
Stand up.
Be present.
Be heard.
Be seen.
Only WE will reclaim our country
Actually, the staff at my local office is responsive, knowledgeable & pleasant. I hope none of them lose their jobs.
More than $2 trillion of national debt is owed to Social Security.
People in their 20, 30s, 40s are more likely to become disabled than die.
Less than 5,000 died on 9/11. Many years over 5,000 a year have died waiting to see Administrative Law Judge for Social Security Disability because Congress has refused to employ enough
Administrative Law Judges and Social Security employees.
A financial transactions tax should be used to help pay for Social Security and Medicare.
Charlie Munger supported Social Security
Social Security tax should be placed on all wages a person makes in a year including stock options - difference between bought at and sold at.
Tariffs should be decided by Congress and not the President because Congress is supposed to negotiate trade agreements with foreign countries. Tariffs should be part of trade agreements.
At least 50 percent of the money from Tariffs should go to State governments.
At least 50 percent of money that Federal government gets from Tariffs should go to Social Security and Medicare.
Social Security increases poverty and homelessness because of the way it is run now. Social Security Death Benefit should be at least $10,000 and indexed for inflation.
Person could die at 60 years old after paying a great deal of money into it for
40 years and her 30 year old child might not be helped at all. Social Security tax should be placed on all wages a person makes in a year including stock options - difference between bought at and sold at. Employers not match above $100,000 a year.
People should be allowed to invest up to 25 percent of the money they pay into Social Security into Social Security retirement, etc. accounts. The money in the accounts could be used to buy stocks, bonds, mutual funds, short term disability insurance,
long term disability insurance, long term care insurance, college educations, graduate school educations, health care expenses. Money could be used for family members and others including non profits. People could choose beneficiaries.
People in their 20s, 30s, 40s are more likely to become disabled than die. Putting money into Social Security retirement accounts may reduce how much money people get if they become disabled and may reduce how much they get for retirement from Social Security
When person first applies for Social Security Disability and needs to get attorney after being denied which happens a lot, the person is able to get an attorney for 25 percent of past due benefits.
Congress needs to make sure that people who have Social Security disability and are told they no longer qualify for Social Security disability which also happens a lot are able to get an attorney for the appeals process. 25 percent of monthly benefits should be held back for attorney fees
for the appeal process because trying to find an attorney for Social Security Disability appeal after have Social Security Disability may be very expensive.
I am 55 years old and I became interested in Social Security and Medicare before I was 10 years because my dad's mom discussed with me the importance of Social Security and Medicare.
Over $2 trillion of the national debt is owed to Social Security.
At least 25 percent of money federal government gets from huge royalties on mining should go to Social Security. At least 25 percent of money federal government gets from royalties on mining should go to Medicare. At least 25 percent of money state governments
get from royalties on mining should be used for k-12 public schools. At least 25 percent of money state governments get from royalties on mining should be used for public colleges, public tech schools, scholarships for public colleges and public graduate schools.
Tariffs should be decided by Congress. At least 50 percent of money obtained from Tariffs should go to State governments. At least 25 percent of money from Tariffs should go to Social Security.
Federal government and state governments should stop taxing money people receive from
Social Security.
Federal Government and State governments need to stop providing Welfare - government contracts to harmful parasite Corporate Welfare Queens like Elon Musk. Welfare to Corporate Welfare Queens has cost us over $20 trillion.
Not caring about harm caused by pollution has cost us over $20 trillion.
How extremely stupid are companies in USA?
More pollution the lower their sales and profits over time.
Sicker the employees less productive the employees.
People worried about their parents care less about jobs.
If you want to massively increase national debt, decrease economic growth, increase poverty, devalue currency do what imbeciles - Trump, Fake Republican Party want to do.
How to payoff the national debt - posted 42 part plan on Twitter on January 20, 2018
If you want to pay off the national debt, decrease poverty, reduce inflation, then you need to increase economic growth and many taxes.
If you want to decrease income taxes on rich people and large businesses, then you need to have graduated sales taxes on rich people and large businesses.
Social Security tax should be placed on all wages a person makes in a year including stock options difference between bought at and sold at.
I have many other ideas for increasing funding of Social Security and Medicare.
Many people are going to die because of lazy, disgusting bums Trump and Elon Musk.
Reducing staffing of Social Security will get people killed.
Table 1 - Deaths While Pending an ALJ Determination, Fiscal Years 2006-17
When you do not care at all about finding out what the consequences of your actions are likely to be, you are a lazy, disgusting bum.
After people die because of Trump and Musk, State governments should prosecute them for 1st degree murder.
People in their 20s, 30s, 40s are more likely to become disabled than die
Social Security Disability helps them, their family members. Medicare should start on 1st day get Social Security Disability instead of having to wait 24 months. May save many lives when people do not have Medicaid.
When people apply for Social Security disability and have to appeal, they are able to get an attorney for 25 percent of past due benefits.
Would like people who have Social Security disability and have to appeal be able to get an attorney for 25 percent of benefits during appeals process.
People who have Social Security Disability and have to appeal a review decision may have a hard time finding an attorney for the appeals process. Social Security could hold onto the attorney fees during the appeals process.
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