Zelda was certainly surprised, yet relieved this girl had no clue who she was. She made sure to hide that fact though.
“I’m not sure I would fit the ‘Princess’ role.. It seems to be a lot of work.”
She told her lightly. This ordinary interaction.. It felt nice. Nothing was expected of her.
“I’m not sure I would fit the ‘Princess’ role.. It seems to be a lot of work.”
She told her lightly. This ordinary interaction.. It felt nice. Nothing was expected of her.
Reposted from
‘Princess’ Agitha
Luckily the young girl didn't realize who she was, there were even people in her neighborhood who didn't believe they even had a royal family!
She knew of the princess but has never seen a proper painting of her.
"That is such pretty name... Maybe YOU should be a Princess!"
She knew of the princess but has never seen a proper painting of her.
"That is such pretty name... Maybe YOU should be a Princess!"