In Germany it ran as "Mystic Knights - Die Legende von Tir Nanog" (not sure about the spelling of the last bit). It wasn't a huge deal but I think it's remembered smiliar to stuff like Mummies Alive, Xtreme Dinosaurs or Bionic Six (I just realized that they translated none of these titles, lol)
I remember this as ‘The Fighting Canfields’ it was shown on UK tv when I was a young ‘un.
I still have an interest in the American Civil War to this day.
I have a Facebook group about this, Knights of the Lost Media, where I spend way too much time trying to find shows that never got much of a home video release.
Yeah there were a ton of power rangers adjacent tv shows like that but Mystic Knights stuck around in my memory for some reason. I forgot about Beetle Borgs haha
I had to look up Beetleborgs, they're more sci fi than I remember. What I do remember was the girl clapping her hands to engage super strength and she used that to win an arm wrestle. Strange the stuff that sticks 🤣
VR Troopers & Ghostwriter.
I still have an interest in the American Civil War to this day.
I watched so many reruns of this as a kid, it's ridiculous. Loved it to death, even the dumb parts that even I realized were dumb back then 🖤