Never. Though, the closest I have had was when I arranged to share a piece with a "friend" once, only for them to not pay their share when it was time to pay up after it was finished.
I ended up paying for the whole thing, but we stopped talking a little while later.
That's a no Bueno. I make sure I always ask before I go through with the commission. Though a thought I had is what if it's a private collab commission?
Oh no this happened before just remembered and thought id ask. I'd have called out your friend. Happened one time with me, had a patreon reward from a friend and they delivered it tho they called it a birthday "gift", basically called em out on it and they apologized but it was annoying.
When I've been done split commissions with others, I've discussed with other friends before hand like if they're financially able and what would they'd be comfortable within budget, what artist they'd be comfortable working with or are familiar with in a positive manner, etc. 1/4
When I've done a few group pieces or participated in a group piece, I have been clear when asking permission from friends to use their ocs and explained that this group piece is a gift and they do not have to pay back. In some cases they said no and I have respected that. 2/4
Yup 😌👍
Don't be afraid to ask, just remember when dm-ing someone on either doing a split commission/gift/group art piece/etc, say more than "Hi/Hello/Heyo/etc" and ask and explain what this art piece will be 😌👍
No? If I ever do that, either I'll cover all of the payment since it's a gift, or tell my friend about it from the start and agree if we're splitting the bill.
Anyway, yeah. You should always tell a friend first if you want to get a split commission together. Otherwise, they have to be the one paying the whole thing, since it falls as a gift.
Sort of but it was more like miscommunication on timing. We split a comm but I was expecting it to be later when I had the money, not right that minute
lest there was that, this one was a no idea kinda situation and they basically said "your half is this, please send me the money when you can" like bruh
Haven't had anything like that happen, but at that point I would refuse to pay and drill them into saying what the hell they were thinking
I tend to get commissions of friends as gifts, and I'd never ask them to pay for something like that.
I ended up paying for the whole thing, but we stopped talking a little while later.
He didn't really like that, but it made me feel better. Sorry, Sweettooth.
Mines was more of. They bought me shoes as a birthday gift then they asked me for Payement days after. 🤷🤷🤷
Not really, bro
When I've been done split commissions with others, I've discussed with other friends before hand like if they're financially able and what would they'd be comfortable within budget, what artist they'd be comfortable working with or are familiar with in a positive manner, etc. 1/4
My point is, If I was going to gift someone a commission, I do not expect to be paid back because it was gift nor do I expect a gift in return. 3/4
In short, I would be clear to ask first about this commission being either a gift or a split commission, bro. 4/4
Don't be afraid to ask, just remember when dm-ing someone on either doing a split commission/gift/group art piece/etc, say more than "Hi/Hello/Heyo/etc" and ask and explain what this art piece will be 😌👍
You haven't sent any money yet, have you?
Who did this to you anyway? A random follower? A friend of yours?
Anyway, yeah. You should always tell a friend first if you want to get a split commission together. Otherwise, they have to be the one paying the whole thing, since it falls as a gift.
Lowkey wanna see what this sudden art is :P