I agree with panels 1, 2, and 4, but disagree with 3. I am not myself in I alone. I am, in fact, very much the others that make me. Both the good and the bad. For, after all, no man is an island unto himself. If a clod be washed away, Europe is the less. We all had a time when someone ->
"It's vital to remember who you really are. It's very important. It isn't a good idea to rely on other people or things to do it for you, you see. They always get it wrong."
"Trans rights are human rights" is not just a catchphrase. Supporting trans people means you support self-determination and individuality over any instinct to control how people express themselves. The existence of trans people forces the rest of us to figure out what kind of heart we have
Without the rights to self-definition and self-determination, all other rights are illusory.
It's weird that we're still having conversations about this in 2024, isn't it? It's not just me who's like "we had this conversation and once it involved two buckets of instant sunshine".
Such a good start, but our ultimate identity is found in who God says we are.
Which is levels above our own comprehension or what we can personally achieve.
from “The Entire Sermon by the Red Monk” by Lew Welch:
1. We invent ourselves.
2. We invent ourselves out of ingredients we didn’t choose, by a process we cannot control....
Clarifying this one a little because it could be easily taken to have like an Ayn Rand message. I don't mean this. I mean that all your life people will be telling you who you are. And you'll be miserable living up to those expectations. Once you choose to be the person you want, shit gets better.
I once told a therapist that I felt as if I was born to serve other people, and that my purpose was to create happiness for other people without enjoying any for myself, unless others chose to give it to me. She had to somehow talk me through that without slapping the shit outta me
sounds like a good therapist. but having some experience counseling myself, can tell you you’re definitely not alone with those kinds of thoughts, and likely she had some experience with them. hope you’re doing better.
Ah same-ish. It feels like my mom popped me out so she can have something to project her trauma onto, and being a vent tool is my only purpose. "Living for myself and being happy when she isn't is selfish."
Certain philosophies are dangerous because they get very close to correct and then veer off in the wrong direction at the last moment to catastrophic results - Fascism and Objectivism both are about pushing back on nihilism and get worse outcomes even than TradCons.
Partially at best. Most humans are barely non-animal, just a collection of influences and memories from life thus far. One CAN create oneself, most do not. They are too busy just surviving.
Sry flippant for giggles
I refuse to take ALL the blame for this mess.
Uh oh
It's weird that we're still having conversations about this in 2024, isn't it? It's not just me who's like "we had this conversation and once it involved two buckets of instant sunshine".
Which is levels above our own comprehension or what we can personally achieve.
But what do I do if I AM stinky?
1. We invent ourselves.
2. We invent ourselves out of ingredients we didn’t choose, by a process we cannot control....
i hate her, literally all my life been like this, just abuse and abuse
but it wont be forever, for sure...
everyone ll keep trying t fill up your cup with Stuff,
and it's not that you did bad by having had that happen, or that it wasn't Their choice to pour, or even that anyone did anything wrong;
it's simply that you are allowed to now put the lid on and say no thank you,
if you're ready
The muppets exist to defeat black children in America wishing they didn't have to grow up here
Idk who still doesn't know that, but everyone should understand that the only weapon against internal defeat is internal silliness
Work at being perfect first, and earn your being you.