CIA, then framed an innocent man, who happened to be working in the building, going about his work, who stumbled upon them. Then Killed him, to keep his mouth shut.
May i redraw this comic with @/ , my favorite youtuber who Did In fact kill jfk??🥺
It sounds like a joke but i really want to draw it and post in my personal account W/ credits ofc Cause it would be so fucking funny, but asking first obviously
This would also work if he didn't identify the person in the picture at all, with the joke being that he can recognize him as someone specific but we can't due to the generic artstyle. South Park did that with Kenny a couple times.
My daughter asked my father where he was when JFK was killed
Dad: "The Record will show , I was in Germany "
Me :"of Course the Records will show that ."
"What do you expect them to say?"
"On the Grassy Knoll ,shooting Kennedy ?"
That became our family conspiracy theory
My father killed Kennedy
Of course we can not explain why they use a Army Nurse who was not a good shoot for an assassination.
But a Conspiracy theory does not need rational thinking
My kids started watching JFK assassination shows and then would call their Grandfather .
"Grandad , they still have not prove it was you"
(One of the few CODs that I actually enjoyed playing XD)
"JFK is dead, and it is we who have killed him"
My evil alternate dimensional self kills both JFK AND Governor Connally with a blowgun shooting poison darts. I have to say I was kinda impressed.
May i redraw this comic with @/ , my favorite youtuber who Did In fact kill jfk??🥺
It sounds like a joke but i really want to draw it and post in my personal account W/ credits ofc Cause it would be so fucking funny, but asking first obviously
Dad: "The Record will show , I was in Germany "
Me :"of Course the Records will show that ."
"What do you expect them to say?"
"On the Grassy Knoll ,shooting Kennedy ?"
That became our family conspiracy theory
My father killed Kennedy
But a Conspiracy theory does not need rational thinking
My kids started watching JFK assassination shows and then would call their Grandfather .
"Grandad , they still have not prove it was you"