Note that asked about what is wrong with me, but she didn't say I was wrong.
There is a lot wrong with me, including "misogyny." 🤣
There is a lot wrong with me, including "misogyny." 🤣
I guess you cannot deduct from existing data, huh?
Well, there is another wrong thing, cognitive impairment, to add to the obvious obnoxiousness...
"Hi! I'm looking for online friends! These are my interests: *name interests*"
That will get you better results than just spamming someone else's post. 🥰
The Network Contagion Institute is a global leader in the study of mind viruses.
AI is getting weird. I was thinking you might be a bot, but that was like CREEPY how quick that response came. Time for me to log off and enjoy being a real human.
I think you should try my tactic of asking for friends on here! Don't be shy! It's natural to want friends! 🥰
Don't get too lonely when I'm gone!