I like Piers the Vampire very much.
It is so exciting to see him suppress his desire for the blood of his loved ones.
I also enjoy imagining patterns in which he is a werewolf.🐺
DUDE!!!!! I have such a THING for vampires I can't even and this is hand's down tripping me up! Another banger, seriously...HOW DO YOU DO IT??!!!! #No.1Fan 💚💚💚
honest to god might draw more of vamPIERS (see what i did there..) because conceptually, he'd be pretty fun to draw!~ (i promise this ISN'T my huge monsterfucker fetish talking!!) (ok maybe it is.)
I love this kind of AU for them, (tho i find werewolf perhaps a bit more fitting personally) but either way Chris can have fun attempting to tame the beast... and be tamed by him instead 🤭
NO I AGREE. werewolf for piers- because he's VERY puppy-coded- just seems so right?! and on that "taming the beast" talk.. are we talking about piers or chris's "beast" down there~? 😏 (i'm so sorry for my puns)
It is so exciting to see him suppress his desire for the blood of his loved ones.
I also enjoy imagining patterns in which he is a werewolf.🐺