Has an Irish government ever been assembled in such a transparently corrupt way before?
Pay rises. Jnr Ministers for all. The Ceann Comhraile fix. Technical Govt-Opposition groups.
And that’s before we get to the Fianna Gael stitch up. Democracy or Chumocracy?
Pay rises. Jnr Ministers for all. The Ceann Comhraile fix. Technical Govt-Opposition groups.
And that’s before we get to the Fianna Gael stitch up. Democracy or Chumocracy?
2. 'Independents' who are 'supporting' the govt deemed to be members of the govt and treated accordingly.
3. Stop making up super junior jobs.
4. Stop talking bollocks about SDs 'not interested in govt' when FFFG twice refused to join SF in govt.
They have no intention of fixing anything except their bank balances.