“ Sweet dreams, Tsuki. ” She responded, a smile crossing her face, before those eyes turned to stare at the fire.
Occasionally, throughout the night, Sigyn continually refuelled the fire.
That was until she passed out, her body falling to the side, head resting on top of one of her arms.
Occasionally, throughout the night, Sigyn continually refuelled the fire.
That was until she passed out, her body falling to the side, head resting on top of one of her arms.
At this point, much of the fire had reduced itself to glowing cinders, ever so slowly being taken by the cold’s embrace.
Sigyn groggily opened her eyes, blinking
The night was frigid. Frigid enough to combat the warmth of the fire created by Sigyn. It's irritating, but also not at the same time thanks to her.
Her hospitality and friendliness has been nothing short but sweet. Tsuki's life from this point forward may change forever. She slept——[+]
soundly. Almost purring despite the freezing temperatures.
Tomorrow will be a grand adventure. She just knows it!
Sigyn, with a soft sigh, slowly rose from her spot.
Gods, her back was gonna feel it. Nothing a few stretches can’t fix! Hopefully. . .
The Dragonborn glanced down at the active cinders,
As the fires began to consume to newly found fuel, Sigyn crouched over Tsuki, a hand just gently pressing against their