“ Better get packing, at least. ”
She closed the door once more, turning to gather her bedroll and stuff it in her backpack, before hoisting the pack around her shoulders, “ The town has an inn, a place that will actually keep us warm at night, hm? ”
A hand motioned for Tsuki to follow her as
She closed the door once more, turning to gather her bedroll and stuff it in her backpack, before hoisting the pack around her shoulders, “ The town has an inn, a place that will actually keep us warm at night, hm? ”
A hand motioned for Tsuki to follow her as
〝That sounds perfect! We can head there then! An inn is much better than an old rundown cabin.〞 . . .💧
Tsuki could agree! She didn't realize Sigyn had a lot of money under her belt. With that worry out of the way, she stood up and——[+]
grabbed her yellow bag, hoisting it up her back.
〝Well, let's-a-go! We've got a long day ahead of us.〞
Tsuki approached the Dragonborn, giving her a smile as she awaited her to open the door. What was that impression she gave? She's a little too silly. . .——[+]
as usual. . . The pup was just too excited to see what the future has in stored for her and her friend. Her tail wagged, at an even quicker pace than usual. What's gotten into her lately?
Stepping outside, her bare feet pressed down into the snow, looking down towards a tree line that led into a valley.
Her long tail flicked and swayed, brushing the across the snow and creating patterns as she walked on through the snow, creating a trail behind her
At least Tsuki would be spared the near knee high snow.
“ So, Tsuki, I don’t believe I have asked, but where do you hail from? It’s clear to me you are definitely not from around here. ”