The sky was superb last night. I had the wife and son out the back (against their will) with the laser pen pointing out Orion, Jupiter, Castor and Pollux above Mars, I was telling them about the blue giant Rigel and the fate of betelgeuse and they both asked the same question.
Could make out some of Jupiter’s moons thru my cheapo telescope on Tuesday night. Not patient enough to be able to take an iPhone photograph thru the ‘scope though!
I do like the winter sky. The usual suspects, the bears and Cassiopeia, joined by the mighty Orion. Then the long nights allow us to catch many of the wanderers.
My favourite constellation because I get such a great view of it every night over the Irish Sea. My ultimate dream would be to see Betelgeuse go supernova in my lifetime.
"Can we go in now?"
Thanks 👍🏽
Could make out some of Jupiter’s moons thru my cheapo telescope on Tuesday night. Not patient enough to be able to take an iPhone photograph thru the ‘scope though!
Sure beats watching The Traitors.
Another crystal clear sky. Could even make out the tassle on Orions Belt without aid.