"Why do we have white South Africans, the most racist people on earth?" - STEVE BANNON LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHAT
Reposted from
Molly Jong-Fast
This is a fascinating turn of events
From a great mind like that.
Self awareness is clearly not a thing here.
Tommy can't get the job. So he brings up Davonte, who they were never going to hire in the first place, to make a point that Piyush shouldn't have gotten hired. GTFOH. Do better Tommy!
He used to call these types the Deep State. From where I'm sitting it looks more like The Enemy Within.
Gonna be fun.
Because he's technically right. HEARTBREAKING.
I'm Afraid for America
The grifters are at each others throats.
Bannon is out of his depth. Trump s loyal to nothing and no one. And Elon has a lot of $.