+1 to this, dos2 does an extremely good job of combining elements like water, fire, electricity, poison, etc into this complex system of interacting surfaces. You can use a spell to put down a big puddle around your enemies and shoot an electric arrow into it, creating an electrified surface.


ah okay interesting! will definitely grab it next time it’s discounted on the PlayStation store :)
Good tip for melee is to combine some nails with your shoes, no downside and you'll avoid slipping!
i remember a combat area being completely filled with oil and it just being an hour or so of me navigating a burning hellscape and trying to extinguish everyone
Is it the one where you’re trying to protect a guy from killing himself in the flames and goddamn everything is on fire all the time? If so I know the exact place you’re talking about lol
yes i think so lmfaoo
Welcome to hell!
Comment image
YES thats the place lmfaoooo. it's so fucking chaotic
You can then fireball that shit and make an electrified steam cloud.
BG3 retained some of these interactions but the dos2 system is much deeper.
The system of Action Points is significantly more flexible than DnDs 1 action, bonus action, and movement. I found dos2 gave me more tactical tools to play with.
damn good point. the action point system might be what makes dos2 combat better to me. took getting used to in bg3
Last thing I’ll say on this, in dos2 the armor system is also more complex and engaging. You have magic armor, physical armor, and then your standard health. Some spells/attacks affect magic armor, some affect physical armor, and some cut straight through to hp.
This means you have to be even more thoughtful about party comp and what spells you are using and when.
I’ve been pushing off DoS2 but I guess I gotta take the plunge