The election could be called any day now, and you would be hard pressed to name any LNP policy other than nukes.
There's small targets and then there's invisible ones.
Not great for a good election.
There's small targets and then there's invisible ones.
Not great for a good election.
Reposted from
Greg Jericho
The divestiture of insurance companies was *never* going to happen, but FMD what a clown show
Have always said he’s a dangerous closet fascist.
Decent people should be more concerned than usual this time.
Were I younger, 'if you don't know, vote no' would have had the same effect.
Some things are just a kick to the head, and a kick to the heart at the same time.
Sometimes we need that kick.
Ignorance is bliss... for the ignorant.
John Menadue's Pearls & Irritations.
No LNP (policy) targets is exactly what the Australian commercial media *&* the ABC want. (🤬)
I don't see that changing any time soon.
although we do have quite a few other really, really bad choices too (family first, one nation, united australia party, trumpet of fuckwits etc)
I hope you are being sarcastic, very Australian of you if so.
Nuclear powered jets or something like that
As if anyone under 35 has any left after raiding it during Covid.
That's the policy, summarised. Housing is incidental, except a lot of them have a financial interest in housing prices.
There’s taxpayer subsidised Free lunch and golf days for bosses along with removing the right for workers to disconnect!
What a completely upside down world we live in when the ALP are further to the right than the LNP on some of these policies.
[Master of Philosophy in Economics, Oxford]
That's MISTER Anus to you!
(jfc, I remember a time when that scholarship had an automatic intellectual cachet!)