Yeah this is a reflection of poor town planning and a lack of verticality in cities tbh, all this green belt and brownfield nonsense for dense housing I've broad areas is IMHO irresponsible and doesn't meet the needs of the day. Look at how every other major country builds & its towers & apartments.
I agree on your first point but not on the implied suggestion that "therefore we should oppose what plans to fix it the government actually has", letting the perfect be the enemy of the good is how we got into this mess. Anyway can't spend all day arguing housing policy alas
Forgive my phrasing I'm not in opposition to it, I just wish there was more joined up thinking and long term planning rather than what feels like a beginner game of city skylines some of the time. Its personal as well because they knocked down woodford aerodrome for an housing estate and a museum.
It would cost far more to build that back now than it would have cost to refurbish it and the cost of the housing estate combined. Its insanity driven by committee that don't have any real plan for the future from what I can see. Lots of documentation. Very little actual vision.