This is a really insightful and a really positive sharing idea. I'm often self aware of what my demons have brought to my marriage, and also realise and appreciate that my Wife has had to put up with and support a lot, that thankfully for me, many wouldn't, but she has. She's tolerated ...
... and listened and stuck with the journey, my journey, without judgement (apart from the obvious anger at him!) and understood why I am like I am... Constantly seeking reassurance, flinching at affection and the worst one for me, when she says, I Love You, trying not to say, "no you don't"! 🫂
Thank you. I married her not having a clue I was a survivor, so that "for worse" bit in the vows that we all gloss over could do with turning into "for better" again. All the very best to you and yours.
Small steps in the right direction is the only advice I can give. It sounds you, like me, are lucky to have a solid partner who listens and understands and takes things as they are. I'd say that's uncommon, I think broken marriages in our worlds are typical. 🫶