It's not a speed issue, its a phone use and cannabis issue. Also, drink driving is creeping up again. I used to get random breath tested regularly, but haven't been for many years now. New laws with no more enforcement of the existing ones is pointless!
Speed kills, we all know that. When my friends and family visit, they are always amazed at the high speed limits on rural roads. They're relieved to see lower speed limits!
it is believed 2500 ppl died in our hospitals last year coz of the trolly crisis, 600 kids 15 - 18 committed suicide and yet we are CONSTANTLY barraged about road safety ( in 1 of the safest in EU ). Why? coz govt can blame u for road deaths, when they fail miserably on others.
It won't keep people from speeding because in Ireland, nothing gets enforced other than moving homeless people. But maybe it will prevent Google Maps now from trying to persuade me to drive through the boreens?
Because people who speed now are DEFINITELY going to slow down when the limits decrease. Talk about doing something to be seen to do something. Such bullshit. Be more in their line to actually enforce the road rules that already exist. Pure money grabber, this one. Roads about to get MORE dangerous.
If the cars in front of you are following the speed limits, it'll only be a matter of time before you get the message.
Just like with banning smoking in pubs, drink driving, seat belts etc... there are always people who can't see the benefits but after a while the penny drops.
'some roads' says the headline. I believe it's around 5000km of roads in Co. Galway alone.
Someone above makes the point about Google Maps route choices, this may actually be the biggest positive effect. People who are in a hurry are less likely to choose unsuitable roads if there's a faster option
Just like with banning smoking in pubs, drink driving, seat belts etc... there are always people who can't see the benefits but after a while the penny drops.
Too many people getting killed on rural roads. Speed is ALWAYS the main contributory factor.
Gardaí won't enforce it, but the majority of drivers will follow the rules.
Of course there will be people who don't give a fu*k about killing people, and no doubt they'll whinge about it.
Someone above makes the point about Google Maps route choices, this may actually be the biggest positive effect. People who are in a hurry are less likely to choose unsuitable roads if there's a faster option