He did he teargased them while he hid in the bunker and they were having a peaceful protest. Look it up he has not managed to get that off of the news yet or off of the internet I must say
It makes me sick when tRUMP salutes during the National Anthem. He has no right. He can put his hand on his chest, where his heart should be like the rest of us.
Z is fighting for his country which is under attack.
Vietnam was not our country. We attacked it.
He was a coward to not support our military,
But his cowardice is not like Z's honor.
I would not have wanted him in our
military, even if he chose.
Doesn’t look like Brian Glenn has any military experience. Only battle for him is buying a suit off the rack. I’m guessing Marjorie wrote that question for him.
Trump couldn’t fit into that suit! And besides, he has a bone spur!
I wonder how he can golf every day and yet have that nasty bone spur, irritating his little feet
A young Donald was in military school as he was a nasty bully and his parents sent him there, but obviously not even the trace of military service or even leadership with Cadet Bonespurs. He seems to fear and hate wounded vets.
So did/do thousands of American servicewomen. Our balls are bigger than Trump’s and we don’t have balls. Proud to have worn a uniform for over 20+ years. Zelensky is a man of integrity and loyalty to his people. We have no such leader in America.
O - of
P - Putin
Trump would never do that and I don’t for one second believe he was ever shot.
Vietnam was not our country. We attacked it.
He was a coward to not support our military,
But his cowardice is not like Z's honor.
I would not have wanted him in our
military, even if he chose.
Power to Ukraine 🇺🇦
I wonder how he can golf every day and yet have that nasty bone spur, irritating his little feet
The only suit that really suits donvict is Ronald McDonald's outfit.