The dean of Berkeley's law school is known as a backer of free speech. When pro-Palestinian students disrupted a dinner for students at his home — and his wife, a law professor, confronted them — it showed how the war in Gaza has complicated that debate.
why him?
they can't seem to decide whether it's that they want Berkeley to divest from Israel (he doesn't make those decisions) or that he denounced 10/7 apologia
this is a case of overt antisemites targeting a prominent Jewish professor for harassment.
Oh & then claiming the elderly couple ‘assaulted you’? Puh-lease!
I am seeing a lot more of this behavior among Palestinian protesters - Sabatoge an event & then cry ‘assault’ when people try to remove them.
> Impacted people protest and call Israel what it is- A genocidal apartheid state founded on imperialism
> from a position of power, call those who criticize the genocide anti-Semitic
> Acted shocked when people protest you
Your smug, holier-than-thou, social media-gleaned talking points don't magically make it okay for you to stand in the middle of somebody's living room and spout off if they ask you to leave.
Grow up.
In some houses, you'd also be a corpse
At a certain point, you lose the ability to claim clean hands. He lost that ability.
"I get to say whatever I want, anywhere I want, whenever I want because of my feelsnand also you should grow up" is one of the most unintentionally ironic things I've read in weeks.
I’m continually amused by 🤡’s like
I thought it was free speech? 🤔
Do you know what genocide means.
The answer is NO to all those questions.
Does your brain work?
Other than the hate, which demands nothing in the way of mental effort.