Breaking News: A juvenile, who is believed to have been a student, opened fire at a Christian school in Madison, Wisconsin, killing four people, the police said. The suspect was found dead.
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There should be a thorough investigation as to why “thoughts and prayers” have not been more effective at preventing these incidents—even at a religious school!🙄
GOP school pew pew happenings are old news. Get America back to making Musk more money and Trump Eggs back to a better price. Trad wives will make more children soon anyway.
He won't even spare his favorite WHITE Christians? He's, once again, a 100% NO-SHOW. Merry Christmas to the families, though. DOn't forget the "reason for the season." (Yes. It's ALL THAT offensive to me, so I am offensive in return.) “Every day, 327 people are shot in United States. Of those, 117 will die.” TIME America stops being held hostage by a corrupt GOP SenateGOP HouseGOP and DEMAND GUN CONTROL LEGISLATION. We are all Victims.
It took ONE School shooting in Scotland DECADES ago for the UK to make swift changes to the gun laws. That's what a Civilized Nation that cares about their Children does, they protect them. Same in Australia.The US is the ONLY place where these shootings take place with regularity
Canada banned 2400 types of automatic weapons last week. It’s not that hard to do. Expect the US has the NRA buying up politicians and a bunch of guys that want to cosplay GI Joe that are more important than their children’s lives. The. Cry they are “Pro-Life”.
Since the ban expired in 2004 AR’s are only illegal in 9 states. Meanwhile the number of school shootings and deaths increase. 2004- 10 shootings and 7 deaths. 2024 - 55 shootings and 50 deaths. How is it acceptable that 50+ children die a year because of school shootings.
What a silly argument. The main purpose of a vehicle is not to kill things whereas the main purpose of a gun is. NOT the same/same & it makes a person look really silly using that analogy...
You can thank every Republican for yet another mass shooting. It’s on them. Maybe one day our kids will be more important to them than a gun.
Yeah, stone tablets falling off a wall in the chaos of an active shooter have about a .0000001 chance of hitting the assailant in the head and knocking him unconscious.
And they always say guns aren’t the problem… how did the kid get the gun? Parents must be held liable and we must do something about the automatic weapon access in this country. Children shouldn’t fear going to school because they might be shot!
I bet those parents are glad all that public money is being put into their private "Christian" schools, because..."American Values." 😉 It's a terrible, violent act...but not at all surprising.
And I’m sure they thought this would ‘never’ happen to them, because God is behind them and they are teaching their children the Christian way - welp, being a Christian these days is bullying those unlike you & being the only one who is correct on any topic. This is sad, but we knew it would happen.
Every single GOP fiend: #thoughts&prayers.
No other practical solution offered, no sympathy for anyone, just happy to line their pockets with NRA donations.
They don't care about children's lives, only about their bank balances.
If it didn’t happen after SH, it’s never going to happen. That’s the moment the US decided it was ok for kindergarten kids to be murdered. That’s the trade off for the NRA’s money.
As a father, a vet and a Canadian, all I can say is… again. I can’t even feel sorry for the families.
First step for solving a problem is to recognize there is one. #Wisconsin
Saddened? Yes. Shocked? NO! As long as we have the Republican Party promoting more guns/less regulations & more hate/division expect more mass tragedies.
Realize you just voted for the best friend of GUNS, the Republican Party. Elections have consequences/dire consequences.
Sure, we can take any city with gun violence, especially those claiming to be gun free zones. My point remains the same: Every time there is a school shooting, politicians come running. While no one cares about the victims in crime ridden cities, of which there are many more.
I want a sensible solution, and not hectic activity. Most gun owners are responsible, so don’t take all guns. On the other hand, why would anyone need an automatic weapon that spews several rounds of ammunition?
Sadly, this issue is so politicized that all I see is activism that makes it even worse
Yeah, I called my congressman’s office and he had the same old “mental health care & school security” BS that they don’t actually follow through on, let alone red flag laws that are enforceable given the current Supreme Court and their decisions over the last few years. 🤬
We need to make gun and ammo sellers liable for the guns and their use. Either that or we bring back a mandatory muster for every gun owner once a month. Wanna be reserve troops, then train and qualify like it.
It's at the point where I'm surprised these school spree shootings still make the news. Nothing ever changes. The American public doesn't care. These children will be forgotten by the end of the week.
It may not be what you want but not posting snarky bullshit is infinitely better than posting it.
Bottom line, this is ridiculous and we need real action.
MAGA: 'Democrats are trying to abolish the 2nd amendment! Defend the murder weapon at all cost!'
It's the FN GUNS!
Thousands of kids die each year from vehicle collisions. Are cars the problem, or the people?
Notice Black and Native folks don't shoot up schools.
We use them for protection.
The dead includes a juvenile thought to be the shooter.
Kids. More kids are dead.
Guns for the people, guys!
No universal health for the people, guys!
No other practical solution offered, no sympathy for anyone, just happy to line their pockets with NRA donations.
They don't care about children's lives, only about their bank balances.
Nobody listened
First step for solving a problem is to recognize there is one. #Wisconsin
Realize you just voted for the best friend of GUNS, the Republican Party. Elections have consequences/dire consequences.
Why not use Memphis or St. Louis? They have worse problems - but no black President.
Sadly, this issue is so politicized that all I see is activism that makes it even worse
Did they have their Trump God bless the USA bullet proof bibles handy?
A majority of school shootings happen due to bullying. We know the cause but just can seem to stop them.