A lawsuit claims that Georgetown University, the University of Pennsylvania, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and 14 other schools considered applicants’ family wealth and donation potential when choosing who to admit. https://nyti.ms/4028mN2
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I find most of the comments in this thread as disturbing as the rants on truth social. If and when they are found guilty then you can rant. Now its all just speculation
What is surprising? I always thought these obscenely rich private universities could do whatever the eff that wanted. How else does every Clinton, Bush, Obama etc. kids go to these schools?
I mean George W Bush went to Yale and Harvard, h cannot articulate a single sentence.
No one should be shocked at this, returning to the old ways again as their DEI, ideology, rainbow brigade, safe space, and pushing liberal BS has them all near bankruptcy.
The travesty here is that brilliant minds come from all demographics & racial backgrounds. Money doesn't assure intellect, nor does it ensure practical usage.
*How many people have been rewarded with legacy admissions actually deserve the current positions they hold? -ONE.💯😂😂😂
That’s the kind of American humor, I love that much .
In a country, worshiping their billionaires like Gods, where you can buy a Supreme Court judge, a presidency, or even cheaper, like Musk did, a president himself, they suing a university for choosing students by their parents wealth?
Surprise surprise. I was a bright working class kid and I had the changevto study/work in FIVE important EU universities..thanks to grants of course. In America I would have had ZERO chances.
if you work in higher ed, are you shocked at all? no, this is how it works. not saying it's good, but wake up, y'all, this isn't a big expose. just ask us. we'll tell you.
To be clear, Stanford's endowment fund alone means it has achieved perpetual motion*; with even average fund performance Stanford could eliminate all fees and still never run out of money.
Wait until people realize the private college counseling people are getting starting in 8th grade that can cost $100,000 a year. Pair the counseling with connections and some wallets and the playing field is a bit lop sided.
Not surprisingly, in such a capitalist society, the power of money is ubiquitous. The so-called educational equity must, to some extent, conform to market laws and the development needs of schools.
NYT is part of the catalyst of normalizing amoral behavior. The difference between telling a child to use Obama as a role model compared to Trump, is tragic.
A friend teaching a at private college in Canada received the list od his students with amount their parents gave to the "college foundation" with the higher amounts marked "those parents are very concerned that their students receive a high grade." Needless to say he was wasn't tenured...
This is/was the real problem all along, not affirmative action.
I mean George W Bush went to Yale and Harvard, h cannot articulate a single sentence.
Legacy and wealth have always played into admissions at prestigious Ivy schools.
Not saying it just, but it has been the state of play for CENTURIES.
While MIT didn’t drip with entitlement - there was still a strong sense of (multi) generational talent passing through its halls.
Not. 🙄
Not. 🙄
*How many people have been rewarded with legacy admissions actually deserve the current positions they hold? -ONE.💯😂😂😂
In a country, worshiping their billionaires like Gods, where you can buy a Supreme Court judge, a presidency, or even cheaper, like Musk did, a president himself, they suing a university for choosing students by their parents wealth?
I don't get it--that's actually right there out in the open, their "legacy admissions" policy!
What's next? Water is wet? Sun rises in East?
*see Malcolm Gladwell's writing etc.
A case in point: Bush43 couldn’t get into a state university in Texas, so went to Bush41’s alma mater, Yale.