And then there was one ...
I met PP&M in 1962 at a record store in Hillside, Illinois. Peter, Paul & Mary were there to sign autographs. Peter drew a picture of a man playing a guitar, with a single line, on a piece of paper for me. Sadly, I lost the drawing. But I still know how to recreate it. 😀
Left right center, #Americans are done with the #bipartisan #SilentViolence perpetuated by an establishment which rather favors a #billionaire #oligarchy #ClassWar stealing the people’s #prosperity
All #citizens deserve #food #shelter #safety #health #belonging #WorkerRights and a sense of #purpose
Yarrow did in fact get into legal trouble over relationships with underage girl. For moral judges here, will same standard apply to Bowie, Page, Jagger, et al when discussing rock stars with documented inappropriate relationships with underage fans? Evergreen gross but it was a different time
Interesting how he died right after Jimmy Carter, the president who pardoned him, did.
Which, by the way, might be the worst presidential pardon in American history. There are a million good things I can say about Jimmy Carter, but there's no defense for pardoning a chomo.
I met PP&M in 1962 at a record store in Hillside, Illinois. Peter, Paul & Mary were there to sign autographs. Peter drew a picture of a man playing a guitar, with a single line, on a piece of paper for me. Sadly, I lost the drawing. But I still know how to recreate it. 😀
World will never forget your exceptional work !
All #citizens deserve #food #shelter #safety #health #belonging #WorkerRights and a sense of #purpose
Which you only mentioned in the 21st paragraph.
You cited him writing children’s books in the 8th.
RIP, Peter.
RIP, Peter.
They talked about his writing children’s books in the 8th.
Which, by the way, might be the worst presidential pardon in American history. There are a million good things I can say about Jimmy Carter, but there's no defense for pardoning a chomo.