The Senate on Thursday advanced legislation that would mandate the detention and deportation of undocumented immigrants charged with minor crimes. The vast majority of Democrats joined Republicans in clearing a key hurdle for the bill.
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Slippery slope, Senator. This will include non-violent misdemeanors in state laws - now categorized as “aggravated felony” under a bad law signed into law by President Clinton in 1996.
This government is a lazy lot of terrorists who take no responsibility for the rehabilitation of criminals. Their worthlessness is what makes me feel like taxation is theft.
These are people charged-not convicted of minor crimes. So much for protecting us from the “hoards of criminally insane” pouring over our southern borders.
Гетман Войска Запорожского Мазепа в ходе Северной войны вступил в переговоры со шведским королем Карлом XII втайне от Петра I и позднее перешел на его сторону.
И именно Московское княжество заморило голодом всех на Мадагаскаре взрослых и детей на Аляску в армию и то что сейчас Голикова на Аляске много убивала.
так завезли первых негров Москва( а виноваты мы все?
Hypothetical question: Let's take a aingle mother, a discriminated immigrant, who succumbed to being homeless and hungry steals a load of bread. Punishment is deportation?
I'd think it'd be about cost effectiveness, though gathering; transporting; holding people isn't at all free. Nor is imprisonment.
But anything immigration & international relations would likely be mandatory spending lines, not discretionary spending lines, right?
So $ might not be an issue at all..
Funny, they (nazi republicans) want deportation for “minor crimes” (I’m ok with that) yet…for felonies…like fraud, rape, child trafficking, treason) they want a president. Or should I say… #FirstLadyDonald
This thing where so many elected Democrats straight up pander to Americans who insist on being factually/morally wrong on the border = exactly the problem.
This is not leadership. It is weakness, it is trying to get everybody to like you while pleasing no one and angering those who try to like you.
And some non-citizens who entered legally and are legally present. Really shouldn’t forget that, considering the provisions in the bill designed to kill humanitarian parole.
Yes according to S.5 as is any right to due process. Don’t need to be charged or anything to be punished. No chance to know what or who said you did unk cuz you are detain indefinitely on cop say so to yokel AG. No Fed or any gov entity can intervene. Yokels can ban visas from countries! 🗳️ on Mon PM
To be honest nothing wrong with this. If you’re not a legal US citizen and you commit a crime you have zero right to be here. This is a silly thing to fight.
You’re assumption that ALL would be false. Also your assumption that a non citizen (like nazis) deserve or are entitled to protections under the law in a country they are not citizens of.
I don’t commit crimes when I visit other countries.
And I’m well aware that the majority of LEOs are garbage. This bill doesn’t get rid of or deny “due process”. I can’t see why you’re concerned, we’re about to seat a 34 count convicted felon.
Every last one who thinks their phony baloney job is more important than everything else!
Киев не трогал никто( сейчас подставили
и сам лично значит ваш Вова торговал рабами если так говорит( что как "раб на галерах" он.
а на галерах Османы были. в России на ладьях "ходили". он не наш значит
от колониального прошлого отмазывается Вовка
Киев же воевал и уходил. Но вот тема истории Зеленского. Что он обокрал царя и сбежал в Бразилию. Обманывая что его убил Мазепа.
Обещали нас спасти. от чего так и похожи они( две страны на одну семью
так завезли первых негров Москва( а виноваты мы все?
до этого все жили свободными поселенцами
и великая их тайна. что Москва сейчас стирает темы работорговли.
Когда то Мадагаскар был колонией Москвы.
Мадагаскар и Гавайи могли стать частью России - KP.RU
А колония с русскими поселенцами просуществовала на Мадагаскаре до начала XIX века.
Dumb media doesn't cover. Institutionalized stupidity. Public knows nothing wo u. U have a responsibility. 🛑. Now.
But anything immigration & international relations would likely be mandatory spending lines, not discretionary spending lines, right?
So $ might not be an issue at all..
Deport her ass back to Slovakia please.
This is not leadership. It is weakness, it is trying to get everybody to like you while pleasing no one and angering those who try to like you.
I’ll get ya started:
1. Best friends with Epstein for 30yrs
Would someone please explain why any Democratic senator supported this?😡
Here, I’ll get ya started:
1. Committed treason in Helsinki when he rendered care to Putin
And I’m well aware that the majority of LEOs are garbage. This bill doesn’t get rid of or deny “due process”. I can’t see why you’re concerned, we’re about to seat a 34 count convicted felon.
Could never be me.