Noted for nothing except the hordes of confused American tourists wandering around whilst wondering why this place got on a ‘Top 10 places to visit in the UK’ list.
Stay home or nearby. Buy local, support small businesses, volunteer at shelters, pet rescues or foster, have a block party, join a book club, mentor a student, or check out a local theater production. Have a drink, read the article, or try the puzzle. Or, just dance off some stress. Your choice.
I didn't even read their list. I just made my own. Sometimes, the NYT is a bit out of touch with what constitutes fulfilled or even happy. Guess I don't possess a New York state of mind. Sometimes, being still, finding quiet to quell the noise is enough.
👏🏽✊🏽👏🏽 I'm in total agreement! I've stopped travelling bar for/on day trips in the areas around my city, #MyJoziMyMuse. Otherwise, it's "trekking" and journeying in/to places and spaces online! 👌🏽
And I don't do overnight trips any longer either.
Full disclosure - I'm blessed to have numerous wildlife rich realms close to me for day trips, so ....
#Dinokeng, #Pilanesberg, #CradleOfHumankind, #MagaliesbergMountains
Reduced aisle, hot water bottle section, ice cube tray section, sandbag centre, canoe distributor and flame proof housing providers. Stop. Ignoring. The CLIMATE EMERGENCY!
Noted for nothing except the hordes of confused American tourists wandering around whilst wondering why this place got on a ‘Top 10 places to visit in the UK’ list.
We even scared Rammstein when they came to tour. No joke.
Our rabid cops and our prolific guns intimidate actual GERMANS. A people who started two world wars.
And WE scare THEM.
And I don't do overnight trips any longer either.
#Dinokeng, #Pilanesberg, #CradleOfHumankind, #MagaliesbergMountains