To everyone bagging on these people, you don't seem to comprehend that there are people who make a living as content creators on TikTok, or use it as part of a content creator multi-platform strategy. It is a perfectly valid tool to make a living.
I have a new phone which I just haven’t fiddled with yet. I decided not to turn my current/old one in and it has TT on it. If they’re dumb enough to buy, I’m smart enough to sell.
Creating an Apple ID for a different country without a credit card is surely a far cheaper alternative than buying a used iPhone with TikTok app for $3000, isn’t?
I have no goddamned clue because I can't stand apple, but perhaps you need a functioning address in said country? Who knows? Not me. Nor do I care at this point. People can spend their money how ever they want.
This is true, but it's so disheartening to see kids stare at their phones all day just to learn a new dance move. There's a large population of children now that do nothing but stare at their screens all day. It's an addiction. That's why childhood obesity and diabetes is on the rise.🥴
Some people are creators and make their living on TikTok, much like people make a living on YouTube or Twitch. Those are all valid jobs, and you deciding it shouldn't exist shows how out of touch you are with reality.
IMO it’s fair to say that for society it would be better if they used their talents differently - even if it was just making people waste their time on a somewhat less harmful social media platform.
Really? Who are you to make decisions on which platform is more harmful? Have you seen some of the stuff that YouTube has to offer? Heinous. Every platform has good and bad things to offer. Just like real life. You can't control the world.
I'm not making any decisions. I'm going by what research shows. And research shows that TikTok's *algorithm* has a far more negative effect on mental health, particularly among young people.
I’m not making decisions for others, but I’m making an argument. What bothers me particularly about TikTok is the lack of transparency on the algorithm and Chinese state influence. YouTube is by no means perfect but at least it doesn’t shadow-ban you for words that it deems (politically?) sensitive.
Life is a far more massive, demonstrable cause of depression and suicide amongst teens.
TikTok by far has a lot of the most mindless and harmless content out there. Things that make people smile. It is just more accessible than YouTube for creators.
Does watching mindless stuff reduce the impact of negative real life interactions? I’d be interested in some actual research on the topic, but my intuition is that keeping people on their phones (which is what the TikTok algorithm does particularly well) is not therapeutic…
Guessing that the briefings that Congress had about TikTok being a national security threat did not include danger to children watching funny videos and more about accessing the personal data of the parents who pay for the phones. And Trump would know that-oh wait-he doesn’t read briefings, does he?
People need to get off these platforms. Talk to all your family, friends and acquaintances about this. Change will only happen with action. The only social media platforms to use are BlueSky, Mastodon and similar decentralized social media!
Can't make a living on these apps. That's the point of the other apps is that you can be a content creator and actually make a living from them if you are skilled enough.
Yeah, people making a living on something should just give up on that income source and try to jump to another platform with no experience and no guarantee that their people will follow them, that seems wise. Keep on telling people what is best for them, that is great.
You can say that about any platform, but every platform has both good and bad things about it. If you choose to ignore the positives, that is on you. There is entertaining and informative content on TikTok.
I’d think that using a VPN, one could easily download the app on their phone, but maybe I’m wrong.
$10 for a dozen eggs? I can’t afford that!
Anyone got an old phone with TikTok? Trade you my car for it!
Just side load the fucking app you losers.
Like...that isn't a massive, demonstrable cause of depression and suicide amongst teens.
TikTok by far has a lot of the most mindless and harmless content out there. Things that make people smile. It is just more accessible than YouTube for creators.