this is exactly how ruzzia became ruzzia, don't think it's not going to happen here. opposition removed. checks and balances are gone... WTF are you going to do?
The day Trump pardoned over 1,500 Jan criminals was the day he signaled that there would be no more law & order as long as he were president. Blondie, Patel & Bongino are not there to insure law & order or protect us, they’re there to only do Trump’s bidding.
It must be a growing concern to all FBI agents and cyber security professionals that this administration does not think we need to pay attention to Russian cyber activities. We are now sitting ducks if we don't take threats from Russia seriously. Stay tuned. It's just a matter of time.
"But he spent the bulk of his career in New York and at headquarters in Washington, including leading New York’s counterintelligence and cyber division."
Ding ding ding ding (guy had a double whammy against him as far as the Friends of Putin who are running our country are concerned).
No, he was effectively shitcanned. FBI agents are friends of mine. We used to drink together at Buffs Pub, across from the FBI office. Turning law enforcement into loyalist mercenaries, no cause beyond personal enrichment, is the stuff of military juntas from Argentina to Egypt.
You left the important WHY he clashed with them out of the headline: "angered Trump administration officials by supporting bureau leaders who resisted turning over the names of those who investigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol."
Luckily, my hometown was liberated by the 'Desert Rats'! You fucks still don't get it: we, Europe, have 449.2 million inhabitants, more than 1.5 million soldiers and nuclear capacity thanks to France and the U.K.🖕
Yeah when Trump started badmouthing Reagan he lost the rest of my republican family #Trump #Republicans #GOP @GOP @HouseGOP @SenateGOP And you lost a lot of people with the horrible stock market and high inflation #TrumpTariffs #Trumpflation
So, this is how they’re rooting out the “deep state”? Forcing out a decorated Marine and straight-arrow FBI Agent. The very worst of us are attacking the most decent of us.
“When you and I spoke yesterday, you were just as surprised as I was to learn this new information,” her letter to Mr. Patel said. The letter imposed a deadline of last Friday morning for the F.B.I. to “deliver the full and complete Epstein files to my office.”
(A Neil Young Parody -
Canada Ain't Your 51st State)
Ding ding ding ding (guy had a double whammy against him as far as the Friends of Putin who are running our country are concerned).
Honestly, well done NYT. You didn't bury the story with some BS both side-isms
Trump should be impeached for treason
Hé Will fuck Up your Country!
Project 2025: Trump's Presidential Transition Project in 5 points
They will stop there, right?
Nothing bad can come from this, right?