Waking up this morning to people laughing about it or claiming it breaks FCC laws. Like… WHAT? People talking about propaganda w/o knowing they’re spewing propaganda. Feels like the inmates are running the asylum.
I found you at the last minute on TT, found you now on BS and YT. I listened to your music for the first time just now. Brad, my man, you are great! This old lady is a fan! I love your version of "Build me up Buttercup." I'll listen to more for sure. 💙💙💙
Browsing Reels and Shorts this morning made me feel like I was stuck 10 years in the past. Felt like I didn’t know anyone, and nothing was truly interesting. I will say that over on Rednote there is a trending thread asking Chinese people to share their best U.S. jokes. That’s been entertaining. 😆
This is legitimately out of hand!!! Has anyone heard any responses from any big time celebrities or athletes about this topic? Literally nothing. It seems too quiet. 1 athlete to refuse to play? 1 actor/actress to refuse to film? This is all too scary to have life continue as usual.
Good to see you Brad. I will not download reels or anything meta. Cannot get myself to go on x. YouTube shorts arent the same. Hopefully this can be our new short form video app lol. Who knows.
I’ve been desperately searching for all my faves anywhere besides Meta, without a ton of luck so far- so thank you for listing this here too! Don’t have the patience yet for YT, I’ll keep trying
I tried watching youtube last night and got bored quickly because most of the videos I've already seen on tik tok. I've mostly just stared at the wall today 😂
I had planned on going back to TT but now that trump has tainted it, I don’t trust that it will not be benefiting him. So my mood is a bit on the angry side.
Same. I want to go back and join the voices of resistance - but I also feel so icky about Trump as the “hero” when he initiated the ban and then encouraged them to unnecessarily shut down as a stunt.
What is a hashtag we can use to make it clear that we know Trump created the unnecessary ban and doesn’t deserve an ounce of credit? I’m still salty and feel like TT’s tainted. But if I go back in a week or so, I want to be ready. I have a few thoughts: #trumpcausedtheban #trumpdidntsavetiktok
It’s a weird feeling. And waking up to notification on TikTok that now has Trumps name on it. Like he’s gonna save the day for all of us. I am deleting TikTok.
I deleted it. I can’t get past the ick factor of seeing his name on the shut down message. Now that I’ve seen the “Trump saved the day” message that we knew was the end game for this stunt, I just can’t go back.
I miss the sense of community, but what I mourn the most are the number of people who have just become unemployed. A lot of small businesses got hit hard. Other platforms may pay, but it seems that the creators have to put a lot more effort into getting people to those platforms.
Agreed! I want to just see what regular people are up to and TikTok always did a great job of finding them. Nothing beats that. I am concerned though with TikTok coming back up and what that world will look like. I don’t want Trump’s dirty hands in it. Although sounds like that’s what we’ll get.
Same. I also really enjoyed keeping TikTok separate from other socials. Like, no, I don’t want my family and coworkers following me on every damn app I use. Hope that doesn’t change if we get it back.
I woke up immediately confirmed tik tok was banned. I don’t understand YouTube and couldn’t find you but found you here. Still not the same as Tik tok. I’m 48, raised by a man who believed in actual freedom so assumed this wouldn’t happen. I’m sad and not sure what now
I know many people are uncertain what will happen and I know a lot of people saying that if Trump or any of his fan boys by TikTok, they will be leaving, but I think staying and still spreading the truth even if it’s possible they monetize or try to control our free speech we can’t give up
Hey, good morning Brad good to see you still doing your thing brother. I do miss going looking up videos of you and the others seeing what you guys are up to and always keeping the truth out there. 🙏🏻💙
I told you I would follow you anywhere! I would be lost without your videos. Miss your humor already, everybody seems a little more solemn today. Miss TikTok, I hate getting up in the morning and not logging in. Hopefully, we’ll get it back soon. Have a great day!
Keep seeing some random dude post about “Fanbase” too, but never heard anyone mention it before today.
What is going on? 🙃