That’s what makes me hate capitalism so much. $34 billion is only $4.15 per person per year yet we spend all of that on guns and bombs. Imagine if we gave each person $4 per year, there would be no more war and no need for weapons. Capitalism of course won’t let us even contemplate that.
As a veteran who has attempted many times to do outreach to the less fortunate of my kin, I can tell you a great majority of them want nothing to do with assistance of any sort. It is what it is, and it's sad as fuck how we treat our heros as disposable. We need to educate them BEFORE this happens.
And no, im not a fan of such sweeping blanket statements, trust me. There's still many who need and will accept assistance. I'm just trying to highlight the importance of avoiding it also.
$5.5 billion dollars was spent on the race by presidential candidates to try to change the mind of a handful of voters in the few jurisdictions that don't vote party no matter what.
I like this account. SIPRI reports globally we are at $2.44T/yr. Not sure if it is speculating on the gray and black market, but that still amounts to $46B/wk. Murder for higher is expensive.
What drives me wild is that only works out to $4/person. Musk would rather fund dumb crap like space travel than make sure each person gets $4/year and eradicate all poverty. What an evil man and system.
“I think that we don’t appear to be fighting for them,” Brown said when asked why Trump won the same blue-collar workers whom the Democratic senator has prided himself in courting through the course of his three-plus decades in Congress. “Workers have drifted away from the Democratic Party.”
Sad fact? World hunger could be resolved by sharing just a portion of the budget, but the powers that be would rather spend it on something that is destructive. Smh
I think it is a very individual choice but i cannot imagine a case where 1% of their taxable income would make a palpable difference to any individual. However, frankly, i doubt the figure of $34 bln from the vignette, that should be at least a magnitude more my gut says, if sustainable
There's more than enough money and resources in this world for everyone to have food in their bellies, clothes on their back, a roof over their head, healthcare, and a reasonable amount of happiness. I firmly believe this!
Nice thought. How do you propose to get EVERY nation to stop spending on arms? How will we stop wars? How would we defend our nation against nations that kept their arms? Do you think nations like North Korea or Russia would give up arms if we did. I don't think so. Nice thought but not practical.
The world we inhabit requires arms unfortunately. But it isn't guns that are keeping us from butter, it is billionaires skimming off the top of everything from the rest of us. Solve that and we could afford both.
Elmo…Leon whatever his name is..spent $44 billion on the dead bird app and now the damn thing is worth about $8 billion and tanking. He could have fed the planet and saved himself $10 billion dollars but nope. He’s a lot like my kids ex whose negotiation skills turned a $10k deal into a $3k deal
Kids know more about economics by the end of grade 8 than Trump has ever known. Musk’s wealth, although completely tied up in his companies and therefore dictated by the whims of the markets and huge government space subsidies, is so vast I don’t think he cares about losing even 10’s of billions.
remember when he was going to single-handedly fix the entire flint water crisis
These are UNICEF numbers, not utopian ones.
Something seems off to me…