I wonder if he even met Wayne, let alone had that conversation
If it is of any comfort he always talked shit
He put MUSK in charge of the money, RFKjr to health and services and nominated a plethora of criminal fat fckers to destroy government from within
He has all this spare time to bream BIG
God I miss "potatoe" every new generation of republican's makes the older ones look like geniuses. Except Reagan started all of this fuckery. They all suck, screw those dorks!
This was so goddamn stupid I honestly didn't believe it was real at first. Went and looked it up, and I'm absolutely floored that people still support this moron.
His entire life has been an embarrassment, he is a despicable, loathsome, and reprehensible ass. But the cult doesn’t care or is too stupid to notice or hold him to any level of culpability for anything. #OverDaCuckoo’sNest
This guy is just unhinged. I'd not even give him control of a local village council, yet this guy will be in charge of the US government. We are so f......
Only the best
Very stable genius.
What could go wrong?🙄
If it is of any comfort he always talked shit
He put MUSK in charge of the money, RFKjr to health and services and nominated a plethora of criminal fat fckers to destroy government from within
He has all this spare time to bream BIG
I fucking HATE Gretkzy.
He's a turncoat, ass kissing sellout.
I will never understand how anyone thinks he's competent, no less sane.
Are stories like this meant to distract us from what's really going on?
It's just a bit hard to believe that even trump is this much of a total clown..
It’s always disappointing when you see icons debase themselves. Skate away from them, Wayne. Skate far away