As a public school teacher, I can attest that Gen. Z isn't learning anything anyway. It can't put the phone away long enough to pay attention. Pretty soon, these boys and girls will be representing you in court, filling your prescription and doing your taxes. We're doomed.
In high school back in the mid-90’s I took a class called “Today’s Problems.” We read the newspaper and discussed events critically. At the time we thought it was a silly blow-off class for an easy A, and it mostly was. But you know what? Everyone should take that class. It was a revelation for me.
Jury duty is a great intro to civics in real life. Should be required part of being a citizen.
Should have been. Who knows if it's going to matter in another year or two. Didn't take Hitler long.
100%. It's stunning how ignorant many Americans are, including members of Congress, about our government and how it works. Civics & American history should be mandatory in our schools.
Yes. Replacing history and philosophy with critical theory has resulted in a cohort that cannot debate properly and have been indoctrinated with thought-terminating clichés. Differences of opinion should be celebrated in academia.
This should be your pinned post. I’ve been saying this for years. And a shout-out to the late Sandra Day O’Connor for the same. Too bad it didn’t happen.
This is a serious question and a challenge for the future. Reestablishing a sense of respectful national understanding of civics, democracy and history will be essential if we are ever to emerge from the horrifying small "d" democratic calamity that befalls us now.
In the 1970s Illinois schools I attended, we had 2 years of US History (7-8 grades) and 1 year civics (High School freshman). High School required another 2 years of history—one World History and one American History. When did schools quit requiring civics and history?
We also had art, music and drama. We even took mini-courses in junior high for business, woodworking and home ec. And AP courses were introduced in my school in my senior year.
I teach a semester hs civics course, where it is required in CT. It is not enough and should be a year. Students come with no background knowledge and limited skills. Until we value competent civic engagement as much as state tests and stem courses, we can expect the electorate and elected we have.
It may have worked for you and others at the time, but can’t see where that approach has been proven adequate recently. I took civics for an entire year. And it was also a year long class when I worked in a high school. On a 4X4 block it is only 9 weeks in a number of schools.
Agree. It’s been a semester class forever. There’s more of a push to offer global studies and world geo. At least that is what it was like it my state where only 3 SS classes were and are still required. They are US Hist, econ/gov and SS elective. Imo it isn’t enough. Not good news about US Hist.
I’m not saying it’s necessarily adequate just that it’s been that way for a long time. And history is still taught unless you’re in one of the states actively changing and suppressing it.
Agree. It’s been a semester class forever. There’s more of a push to offer global studies and world geo. At least that is what it was like it my state where only 3 SS classes were and are still required. They are US Hist, econ/gov and SS elective. Imo it isn’t enough. Not good news about US Hist.
I had four semesters of civics and government. ‘80-‘82. My teacher was a mensch. 2000 people attended his funeral. He was appreciated. Wish it was like that now.
I don’t disagree - we should. I’m a teacher and I’m (not sure why still) shocked at how little students know about anything. I graduated in ‘83. I think I was just lucky enough to grow up in an educated, politically active household.
I’ve witnessed this hollowing out of our educational system over the past 20 years through the lens of my mother and her colleagues, all teachers in the state of TX. It is difficult to see what has happened as anything other than a purposeful effort to under educate 👩🏻🎓👨🏻🎓🧑🏼🎓and rewrite our past
Absolutely!!! Nothing is more pressing or could be more consequential in the long run, and yet there doesn't seem to be any momentum to implement this anywhere as far as I can see.
Agree. I was fortunate to have a great govt/civics teacher my senior year in high school. Very engaging and memorable. Set a positive path for me forward. ❤️
problem deeper than that; people are poorly educated wrt logic, analysis, critical thinking; education system been deeply flawed for decades exacerbated by social media; eveyone thinks his opinion matters when it does not; no respect for expertise, education, data, scientific research, proofs
Government was the required class when I graduated in the 80s. One couldn’t graduate without it. I don’t see evidence that this is still in practice. I want desperately to be wrong. If I am, a lot of the crowd were passing notes during that hour.
I have been saying this for many years. Also in this day and age of constant noise or news - there is no discipline to find trusted sources, do some research and pay attention. Don't worry all the young bros have moved on from Election 24. I fear they will regret the outcome
I was teaching 9th grade and I got called into the principals office. He wanted to share an email from a parent thanking him, because for the first time, her child was being forced to learn US geography. Specifically, the US map.
Many of us teachers are still out here every day doing the best we can and, honestly, loving every minute of it. I am sure there are numbers that would support this, but I am surrounded by teachers that are busting their butts every day to make a positive difference with whatever resources we have.
You aren’t wrong. I am lucky to be at a school with amazing leadership and administration. I have been given nothing but opportunities to succeed. Now, state testing…that’s a beast.😆
I agree. When I was in High school they were trying to "diversify the experience". When I got to college I could write a paper.... I could write a poem!
Its more than classes. As we have known since the political scientist, Philip Converse et al, voters are incredibly ignorant. The problem that something can be done about is elite beliefs. More classes may be part of the answer -- as long as they aren't classes at a right wing propaganda mill.
Back in 1973 I took American Gov and wrote an essay on then President Nixon. I made the points that he was a liar and a crook in my opinion. I received a grade of D minus and a scolding note from my teacher. Year later he resigned due to watergate scandal
Always consider someone else’s opinion 😄✌️
Oregon requires Civics now. My daughter teaches it. Has had the District's congresswomen zoom in for a chat. She shared her experience inside the capitol on Jan 6. Also the state Rep who introduced the Civics bill to our state legislature. Civics in action!
I've been arguing that for years with my kids schools. But at least mine get an understanding of citizenship at home. Today many kids don't. I think the truth is, that many of their parents didn't either.
Hard to believe that Trump didn't get a better education on citizenship, but maybe he just wasn't interested and wasn't paying attention. It probably sounded like it meant doing things for others.
Education (the system) has been heading away from true knowledge and critical thinking since the 70’s; the populace is now viewed as consumers: the less knowledge and critical thinking, the better.
What year was that mandated? After WWII people became so complacent and they truly could not imagine what we are facing today. Where half the nation is embracing Russia and voting for facist government.
But, now, every american knows the constitution was written by Jesus. Men rule all, including women. And, the founding fathers raised dinosaures on their farm but the migrant ate them all....
Very true. I am so glad that I had great History and Social Studies teachers in school. A pure civics class was not taught when I was in school, however, my teachers from the above mentioned classes made up for the lack of that class. Thank you teachers🙂💙❤️. And thank you historians 💙❤️🙂
When you consider where our country is at this stage, I'm not convinced that most MAGAts would benefit from exposure to any of that coursework. Maybe a few, that's about it.
The republicans are doing everything they can to destroy our once great education system. This is why you need to call your congressperson and let them know we need to implement Project 2025 before it's too late.
No. Not at all. In fact, holocaust studies, gender studies and black history month we included in the history classes that were also ditched. Trollio much?
Have you ever been stabbed in the heart? Like literally? Well… I have. It was the pericardium actually, and it was with a needle. But awake and without anesthesia! 😳 For real! You can read a little more about it in one of the updates described here:
Another Republicon bad idea to deliberately dumb down American society so they could prey on & take advantage of us. If you don't know; you cannot protect yourself from those who deliberately want to harm you.
Blame it on GWH’s misguided NCLB Act. Those crucial subjects fell by the wayside because since they were not to be included in the standardized testing they would have no effect on the ratings for districts, schools, or teachers.
It wasn’t a great idea as we are dumbing down our children who become voters. And, the arts are next on the block. It’s painful to watch was has happened and is happening over time.
I can attest: today's students are walking into college utterly ignorant of this country's history. It's not their fault. Since it isn't on a standardized test, states and districts do not consider it an important subject.
Again, sadly. Literacy, including the ability to write, at least at an 8th grade level, makes a world of difference for people. Civics, history and, yes, science and math.
And fine arts. Maybe we don’t need to have schools and colleges revolve around sports. Maybe we stop using tax payers money to build for profit sports stadiums.
If we make it out of this they should all be mandatory. What we have learned from is the vast majority of our citizens have no understanding of how government works
They were always the most engaging and interesting classes and I’m not justifying saying that because my Dad taught High School Civics in the 70’s and 80’s.
I taught history in 2nd, 5th, or 6th grade.
Of course, the content was very basic. I can say, that in elementary school, some teachers didn't teach history because they used the time trying to teach kids to read!
If you want to have history or civics covered in school = then you have to test for it.
Because they were replaced by gender studies and liberal arts degrees taught by lifelong "academics" who only get peer reviewed by people who share all of their opinions.
I wonder if you, Doris and Doug will still be welcome on MSNBC. Certainly, Joe & Mika are trending toward being unlikely to invite any qualified historians.
Maybe you can found your own network. But you can't name it after Jonathan, because the name "AlterNet" is taken. LOL
When I was in high school and for the past 50 years, "Government and Civics" was taught by the same people who oversaw study halls and taught drivers ed.... football coaches! This might provide some insight as to why there is a lack of understanding and participation in our government.
Our 20 dumbest states, those of the former Confederacy, want to erase American history and replace it with the 10 Commandments, and the world on our fate, much like our own intelligentsia, has thrown in the towel.
Should have been. Who knows if it's going to matter in another year or two. Didn't take Hitler long.
I would've guessed it's just a reflection of a society not taking education seriously, rather than a targeted assault on democracy.
If your only source for news is Joe Rogan or Rachel Maddow, you’re only getting one opinion.
Yeah, we have lots of economists & law knowers who need to begin at the beginning
That was 2005.
Always consider someone else’s opinion 😄✌️
We need BOTH! And much more.
Current Events
Critical Thinking
I read this quote decades ago and it always stuck with me:
My father didn't tell me how to live; he lived, and let me watch him do it.
Clarence Budington Kelland
The United States Project
Told ya so
Told ya
Told ya
Told ya so!
And yes, I'm thrilled I remembered that from 65 yrs ago!
Of course, the content was very basic. I can say, that in elementary school, some teachers didn't teach history because they used the time trying to teach kids to read!
If you want to have history or civics covered in school = then you have to test for it.
Maybe you can found your own network. But you can't name it after Jonathan, because the name "AlterNet" is taken. LOL