Kennedy's choices are more dramatic, so I guess hers. I do agree with Melania Trump on 1 thing and 1 thing only tho: it's gotten beyond anachronistic and well into ludicrous territory that the President's spouse is responsible for the public areas of the White House. Should be a staff position.
Jackie’s restoration project involved input from a fine arts committee made up of art and architecture experts. Congress passed a law making the White House a museum and limited changes that could be made to it. The project was historic preservation and not simply redecorating.
Most of all Michael, I enjoyed reading people’s opinions of the two rooms. Isn’t it grand that we are not all the same, don’t all appreciate the same things and can still have a dialogue here and still have a bit of fun in a dark time!
Left: Mamie's rooms always seem short on furnishings. Not very comfortable or usable. A bit fussy, more of a parlor.
Right: As a Treaty Room, appropriately dark and formal, with a conference table and large mirror. Glad they kept the chandelier.
Hmm. I went with Jackie on the Red Room but I'll go with Mamie on this one. Jackie may have made better use of the room, but Mamie's colors are far less somber.
In this case I prefer Mrs. Kennedy's choice of bold colors for the walls and window treatments and the dark woods of the furniture pieces. Mrs. Eisenhower's design looks like Aunt Stella's living from the 1960's (minus the plastic covers on the chairs). 😉
Hard to say because they have different purposes. Mamie’s is more of a living room or place for a more informal discussion. Jackie’s is a formal meeting room. I think the Treaty Room evokes Monroe’s era well. I like them both.
Pros and cons with both. Eisenhower’s room appears light and airy, but the furniture seems drab despite the color. Kennedy’s room is a bit heavy and crowded, almost stifling.
Looks like it would actually be used
The other looks like a hotel lobby
Left: Mamie's rooms always seem short on furnishings. Not very comfortable or usable. A bit fussy, more of a parlor.
Right: As a Treaty Room, appropriately dark and formal, with a conference table and large mirror. Glad they kept the chandelier.
I wonder what the fireplace looked like when Ms. Mamie was there.
I love the President looking at the Washington Monument 😊
Awesome picture
I prefer the Eisenhower version