In German, "Kinderstube" is literally "children's room" meaning upbringing, learning at an early age how to behave.
EU High Rep arrived in DC today and told her scheduled meeting with her counterpart Marco Rubio was cancelled.
The State Department lacks Kinderstube.
EU High Rep arrived in DC today and told her scheduled meeting with her counterpart Marco Rubio was cancelled.
The State Department lacks Kinderstube.
These clowns think being rude is a sign of toughness. Rubio is probably afraid of her anyway.
They work for the other side people
Should make clear to Europe where decisions are made.
US needs to be ignored until we can get ourselves sorted. Might be (a long) while.
The USA is full with traitors and Nazis
Europe should start to realize it’s not safe to trust the USA
The USA is rapidly establishing a Nazi regime
Europe should expand it Nuclear arsenal very quickly ‼️
Start a European war economy now
Intelligence, basic human decency, statesmanship - all missing. They are chock-a-block full of grift, ego, and cruelty though.
Perhaps Kallas should have talks with the Governors of Cal & NY?
Since 2022, a leader or two has made Putin wait. One of them was the president of Kazakhstan if I recall correctly.