FYI-In my humble opinion the definitive version of Hallelujah was performed at the Montreal Olympics, several years ago, by K.D. Lang. Watch it online.
I'm so glad somebody else is on to of this. I've always wondered was it a single "thrum" or part of a complete musical score? How difficult IS it to please the lord, after all.
Random biblical king who shows up in Lenny Cohen's "Hallelujah," one of the truly great (imo) popular songs of the 20th century. He played it "to please the Lord."
Even when joking around about them, those lyrics are still remarkable. Like, who the hell squeezes music theory into song lyrics and still absolutely devastates you with them?
It sounds like he's specifying the notes that make up the chord, but he's actually describing in real time the chord progression of the song. Does anybody know what notes make up the secret chord?
And was it composed by a baffled king?
It didn't like blow the lord away or anything.