Russia is ANTI Communist. In 1993 the constitution declared it no longer communist and “democratic”. They have gone through decommunization. It is an oligarch state ran by and for billionaires and Putin.
Well that’s a joke. Why don’t they have fair elections? Do you like Putin as Trump does? Because you sure are defending them with all your might! 🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴🥴
What? How did you get that from what I said? No they fucking suck, I was not defending them. Maybe just look up basic sociological concepts. Both countries are oligarchy. I’m not a billionaire? I’m working class. A simple google search, “Is Russia communist”will tell you no.
Russia was never even socialist in the first place, not after the bolsheviks opposed workers' control of the means of production and betrayed the Makhnovists & Kronstadt
All it ever amounted to was a state capitalist regime that spat in the face of the moral force of socialism and communism
All it ever amounted to was a state capitalist regime that spat in the face of the moral force of socialism and communism