Watching Castlevania with me means that I’m going to continually lean over to you and go “that’s from the games” every time I see something I recognize.
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watching noctorne, every scene change you lean over. you see that guy right there? yeah his name is richter. hes from the game symphony of the night. you see that guy right there? yeah his name is richter. hes from the game symphony of the night. you see that guy right there? yeah his name is richte
I had only ever played SotN so after rewatching the show 7 or 8 times and going through the game, I’m having the opposite situation of seeing something and thinking to myself, “that was in the show”
Honestly if you watched it with me I could probably tell you which game and which stage, honestly. Since the first CastleVania series was based on 3, I would probably even rant a bit that Grant DeNasty wasn't in it.
It varies - there’s a lot of very niche Easter eggs, but if you’re familiar with the games, you’re very frequently gonna find yourself recognizing stuff. It takes a lot of liberties with the plot, but in my opinion they’re for the better.
Yeah, Castlevania plots in the games have always been a bit clunky or simplistic, at least as far as in-game material goes. We still felt like we were living the greatest adventure of all, thanks to the music, visuals and themes. But for a series, the plot needs being worked on.
My gf: ooh, gay vampires!
“He’s actually a pretty big part of the games”
Had to show the first boss in Symphony of the Night to prove I wasn’t full of crap.
There were times where I was just *POINT* GAME REFERENCE
He loves pointing out where everything's from.
'Cept yesterday when we watched a Watch Mojo list of FF villains, and I pointed out that the Exdeath fight background is the Atiliascope dungeon. Lol
And yeah, I’m gonna be experiencing that in reverse as I make my way through the old FF’s.
He’s from Dracula Flow. This shit mean nothing to him, man.
He has seen the Eye of Horus
He was flipping bricks for Mansa Musa before y’all became a type-1 civilization!