I won't buy a game simply because it made some gamer bros angry cry all over their safe space, sorry I mean twitter, because A. It seems reductive and B. I cannot afford it, but it certainly goes a long way to determining which games get put in the very limited list of games I buy each year.
Like, if you are capable of basic media literacy you can tell the lessons behind most of the famous video games franchises are
"Don't be an asshole "
"War is bad"
"Fascism and authoritarianism bad"
Most of hese games included POC and LGBT characters as well.
I assume the only "non-woke" games are indie ones made by literally nazis or "beat em up" / "hack and slash" plotless ones where you can play as a hyper-sexualized woman (or even an underage girl)
Maybe they're so brainless that they assume "If the MC is a white masculine dude the game isn't woke"
I think that's the point though. If they're a big enough asshole to get insensed at media portrating queer people and POC existing, or women in positions of authority/power, then they're a big enough asshole that you wouldn't wanna be their friend.
The Trick Here Is That While Some May Have An Idea of "Woke Games" Being Absolute Garbage Purely From News Being An Absolute DumpsterFire, Those Who'll Put AnyThing They DisAgree With Under "Woke" Are VERY Prone To Falling Under The Influence Of Some Type Of Digital Gambling.
If SomeOne Has Far Too Many Hours In Specifically Games With LootCrates Or Other Methods Of Betting Real Money On Getting InGame Stuff, Take Extreme Caution.
If They Get Defensive And Aggressive About You Even Just Noting It WithOut ANY Further Conotations, They're Gone. Do Not InterAct.
No Sane Person Defends Games Trying To Sneak In Gambling AND Your Money Out Of Your Pockets. The "AntiWoke" Stinkers, HowEver, Are Quite Easily Taken By These VideoGame Casinos' Propaganda.
I Would Know, I Watched As I Made The Correct Turn And The Rest Of The Pack Did'nt.
S.B.I. And The Gang Certainly Does'nt Have The Best Record On Hand Regarding VideoGame Associations, HowEver The Failures Are Much More Accurately Explained Via Viewing Their D.E.I. As A Cover, An Excuse To Deem ThemSelves "New" WithOut Applying The Effort To Change.
D.E.I. Failed BeCause The Battered And Beaten Saw It For The Ploy, Scam, Facade It Was. The AntiWoke Fell For It And Now Suffer The Fate Meant To BeFall Their Rival Base. But Money Is Money, So Away The Unmarketable Strategies Went.
I've Never Met A Nice Corpo. NoOne Ever Has. NoOne Ever Can.
Like, if you are capable of basic media literacy you can tell the lessons behind most of the famous video games franchises are
"Don't be an asshole "
"War is bad"
"Fascism and authoritarianism bad"
Most of hese games included POC and LGBT characters as well.
Maybe they're so brainless that they assume "If the MC is a white masculine dude the game isn't woke"
It's a litmus test to see if they're an asshole
"Sorry, I Do'nt Like Gambling. At All."
Good PrecisionStrike For The REAL Stinkers! >:)
If They Get Defensive And Aggressive About You Even Just Noting It WithOut ANY Further Conotations, They're Gone. Do Not InterAct.
I Would Know, I Watched As I Made The Correct Turn And The Rest Of The Pack Did'nt.
I've Never Met A Nice Corpo. NoOne Ever Has. NoOne Ever Can.
I think it went against their "Woke games are never successful" beliefs.