There are currently 390,000 children in foster care in the United States with nearly all of them on Medicaid for their insurance. After aging out of foster care, most children remain eligible for Medicaid until they are 26 years old …
Pro-life, my ass and where’s Mrs. BeBest ?!
Pro-life, my ass and where’s Mrs. BeBest ?!
Having sex with the plumber in the house in NYC!
Oh, wait. They aren't in the womb?
Screw them!! Freeloaders!!
With their mental health.
She could give not so much as 2 shits about the kids.
She doesn’t care, we do!
Substance abuse
Mental health
Physical health
Trauma-related behavioral health
Let's give the most at risk the least support.
You figure after 30yrs of living amongst us she would be able to speak better
That Rose Garden - why I aughtta …. 😡