Worng. The Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
From the UK perspective, the Dems need to start growing a pair of large fucking balls and protest against this shit vocally, visually and throughout every media channel. Stop being Mr nice guy….it aint working. Fight for fucks sake.
That's what 75M of us are thinking. But no. That wouldn't be polite. The Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
That's what 75M of us are thinking. But no. That wouldn't be polite. The Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
"I respect the law, but I don't have to respect the asshole administering it."
That works in normal times. Today, we are in extreme times and this isn't the time for decorum. Every Dem should have followed Al Greene. You hurt one of us, you hurt us all. Pathetic display by the Dem bloc.
That's what 75M of us are thinking. But no. That wouldn't be polite. The Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
That's what 75M of us are thinking. But no. That wouldn't be polite. The Dems are living up to their reputation for gutless resistance. Only
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
They should have done it slowly, methodically, one at a time disrupt-be removed-repeat. It would allow for maximum disruption in addition to actually showing some degree of backbone. *sigh*
The Dems are living up to their gutless resistance.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline. No more money from me UNLESS Dems get firebrands.
Seriously, what is wrong with them? Are they glued to their seats? Each one should’ve turned their backs on the Nazi and walked out! I am livid! We need a new party.
This is what I was hoping they had planned. Rolling protests to get under his skin & take back the narrative from this disgusting MAGA rally in our house!
to my brother. It would
send the American people
a message of hope.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
If they don't stand with their own how are the people supposed to trust that they will stand with them?
The only reason I tuned in is I am hoping he croaks on his lies.
I guess I will find out later what Al said.
I'll Google it.
That works in normal times. Today, we are in extreme times and this isn't the time for decorum. Every Dem should have followed Al Greene. You hurt one of us, you hurt us all. Pathetic display by the Dem bloc.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline.
We have LEADERS in the #DNC - but the EMBALMED APPEASERS are always in the way!!
We must get rid of “the Third Way” and AIPAC gop supporters to have any chance of success
ONE with courage to speak. Tonight's silence proves why Dems will never win and America will continue down the path of decline. No more money from me UNLESS Dems get firebrands.
#Musk #Trump
Good example. Keep interrupting him. He’ll be so pissed off. Every dem should take a turn being escorted out.