wagyu > has pretty unlimited stamina but typically defers to whoever she's with in case THEY'RE one-and-doners
lepori > takes forever to nut once then passes out 3
roaming > can survive a solid 2-3 rounds before she gets devastatingly sleepy. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
lepori > takes forever to nut once then passes out 3
roaming > can survive a solid 2-3 rounds before she gets devastatingly sleepy. the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
Reposted from
noux problem
Does your WoL/OC tend to go multiple rounds at a time, or are they a one-and-done type of lover?
Does your WoL/OC tend to go multiple rounds at a time, or are they a one-and-done type of lover?
beidong > sex is kind of like field research to him. she has zero libido she's just there to see what weird and interesting things people can do with their bodies